Pre-Update Update

Fixed: --Empty


-Player model is no longer a BEAN.

-Re-Named Towers. (Missile Tower => Grenadier || Bullet Tower => Scout || Laser Tower => Sunbeam)

-Map now has another hill near the start of the track, this is to make the Grenadier for useful.

-Scout (previously Bullet Tower) model is no longer a BEAN.

-Enemies now take health away equal to their current health upon reaching the end of the track.

-Money is added equal to the amount of damage done to an enemy.

-Shop buttons now have an image of the tower.

-Extra money is added upon Wave Start.

-Fast enemies are now slightly smaller.


-Farm Tower (gives money at the end of waves).

-Pause Menu.

-Player is able to see an enemies current HP by hovering their mouse over it.

-Can skip waves after all enemies for current wave have spawned.

-Basic sound effects for towers (don't worry about Sunbeam, it's not done yet, Farm has no SFX yet).

-Enemy Spawn made to look like a cave thing.

-A secret for players to find.

Extra Notes:

-Waves are not completed, after wave 6 the game will only spawn 1 basic enemy a wave until wave 20.


MiniDefenders 25 MB
Sep 26, 2021

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